Podcasts and Audios

The Dark Side of Healing: Why We Struggle and Suffer

Your Partner in Success Podcast

Interviewed by Denise Griffitts, Host

Life Changing Transformation

Dream Business Radio Podcast (Episode #304)

Interviewed by Jim Palmer, Dream Business Coach

Stress Reduction Techniques

Empress of Biz Podcast (Episode #136)

Interviewed by JoAnn R. Forrester, Empress of Biz

Guided Audio Meditations

Discover FREE Meditations to guide you on your healing journey.


Unmasking the Pain of The Good Child

Unmasking the Pain of The Good Child

The Good Child possesses impressive qualities and selflessness, considered highly desirable traits, particularly for girls. Although admirable, The Good Child hides a dark side, which eventually can lead to an emotional and physical collapse in adulthood. Part 1:...

Changing the Mind of the Body

Changing the Mind of the Body

Imagine this: your doctor prescribes “1000 healings a day” instead of Prozac. Initially, you doubt the suggestion, but it piques your interest. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that stress accounts for 80-90% of doctor visits…

The Thinking-Feeling Habit Loop

The Thinking-Feeling Habit Loop

If you want to change a habit but feel pushed and pulled back to the old pattern, there is a reason for this tug-of-war. No, it's not because you're lazy. The power habits have over you are felt in three ways: when you realize their effect on you, when you attempt to...

The Burning Stories We Need To Tell

The Burning Stories We Need To Tell

We tell stories about our lives. The experiences belong to us, and we tell them from our perspective; however, we do not create the storyline alone. Whose words we use, how beliefs affect us, and what shapes our stories may surprise you. How you share the story...

Eye-Opening Truths About Anxiety

Eye-Opening Truths About Anxiety

When I struggle to find a topic for this weekly newsletter, I think about you, the questions you ask, and the stories you share. I admit to occasional rants, and I have no qualms about telling you bits and pieces of my out-there healing experiences. Either way, we...

Go Under the Knife Strong! Why it Matters

Go Under the Knife Strong! Why it Matters

Even though minor surgeries are brushed off as 'minor,' all surgeries have risks to life and limb. Pre-op stress is usually ignored, leaving patients at risk for more pain, higher potency medication, and extended hospital stays. Clients tell me that they feel that...

Sanna Carapellotti

I believe in your resilience and strength to overcome any challenge. With a master’s in educational psychology and extensive experience in mental health, I’m committed to supporting your healing journey. Through one-on-one sessions, and guided resources, I offer practical tools to help you unlock your potential.

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5 Compelling Reasons to Embrace Energy Psychology