Client Success Story
Healing Partnership Client
E. was admitted to the hospital due to severe, undetermined abdominal pain, revealing a cyst in the wall of her small intestine.

The Challenge
Examinations and medical tests revealed that a cyst the size of a golf ball had penetrated the wall of E’s small intestine.
This client’s dissection surgery was scheduled for the following Tuesday.
As a previous client, she was familiar with my Stress Reduction services and Guided Audio Collection for surgery and recovery. When she called me, she was still in severe pain and feeling weary; she tearfully expressed her anxiety and concerns about the surgery, especially considering her age (75) and other risk factors.
We agreed to talk the next morning, two days before the surgery.
I sent E. the Empowered for Surgery audio collection to reduce stress and build her emotional strength for recovery.
The healing experience on Sunday included a weave of the Emotional Freedom Technique, relaxation, guided imagery, hypnosis, HeartMath coaching, and breathwork. We tapped on her present concerns and worries, bringing her stress level down from a 10 to a 2 on the SUDS scale (Subjective Unit of Distress Scale).
As we entered into a dialogue with the cyst, E. had not realized the toll emotions were taking on her health. She said she was ready to explode from pressure, like the cyst. A subconscious agreement was reached, in which E. consented to specific changes in her life.
As we concluded the experience, E. stated she felt emotionally confident and strategically skilled for the surgery and recovery. She agreed to continue listening to the Empowered for Surgery audio collection, which includes guided meditations, relaxation techniques, and positive healing language for surgical preparation.
Later in the day, E. experienced a sudden and powerful flush through the abdomen, necessitating an extended stay in the bathroom. This unexpected change in her condition was a stark contrast to her earlier admission to the hospital. She said, “it felt different.”
On Monday morning, E. had an MRI to determine the location and size of the cyst and any change that could increase any risk factors since the tests and examinations a few days ago.
Dr. H. entered the hospital room, scratching his head and expressing genuine shock and surprise. He showed E. the test results from two previous days and those taken this morning; his confusion was evident in his expression.
“The cyst is gone, and the area is healed. We can see that the cyst was present two days ago, and now, it is no longer there… I have to cancel the surgery and you can be discharged today.”
E. shared with the surgeon some things about the empowerment work and my Empowered for Surgery audio collection. He expressed little interest and left the room.
E. was discharged from the hospital within a few hours experiencing no pain.

“Our intense work together, these past few weeks leaves me in awe of your innate ability, your skills, and profession. I feel as if I was in a stupor for so long. I have never felt such dramatic change in my life. I want to continue awakening with you help.”